Tiffin Shrine Club
Annual dues are now due and pre payable to the
Tiffin Shrine Club.
Scheduled Meetings
Saturday December 14, 6:00 - Christmas Installation
Dinner event with Fez
It will be at the Tiffin Amvets Hall at 1909 State Route 100.
Social hour begins at 5 PM with a cash bar.
A prime rib dinner will be at 6 PM.
The cost of the evening is $30.00. Checks need to
be received by December 4. Your Check is
your reservation - NO EXCEPTIONS.
Please make your check out to Tiffin Shrine Club and mail to:
Bill Brunn, 55 Linda Lane, Tiffin, Ohio 44883
All reservations are to be made by contacting the officers as listed below.
President - William Brunn
Secretary - Jeff Kuhn
* * *
The new Zenobia Shrine Center is now opened at 8048 Broadstone Blvd., Perrysburg, OH 43551
Members - take a look at www.shrinersvillage.com